Mobile Websites
The web marketing team at Strategic Legal Web builds internet sites that not only function and look great on desktop computers and laptops, but work for all internet accessible mobile devices. Until a little over five years ago, it was only important for a law firm web page to look great and work well on a desktop or laptop computer. With the advent of portable internet devices, most of those older pages were either upgraded or soon became obsolete. Nearly 100 million Americans now use portable mobile devices, like smart phones, iPads, or similar tablets. Consequently, if your web page does not perform well on a smaller device, you could lose a substantial portion of your intended market.
Web Designers Creating Mobile Sites for Attorneys
If your website is over five years old or it has not been recoded in the past five years, chances are that potential customers are unable to view your web pages as they were intended to be seen. At Strategic Legal Web, our developers design and test web pages that work on cell phones, smart phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. Additionally, the web pages that we design are compatible with all major web browsers, including Windows Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox. A potential client who is using his or her tablet or phone to research your law firm is not going to wait on a slow-loading page before they move on to one of your competitors. If you want to stay ahead of rival law firms, having a website that loads improperly, or is sluggish and unresponsive, is no longer an option. Have our master web designers build a versatile and fully functioning web page for your law firm.
The Market for Mobile Websites
Market research has shown that younger internet users favor cell phones, while older individuals tend to prefer desktop and laptop computers. That means that if you are in a field that tends to cater to a more youthful clientele, such as criminal or family law, it is absolutely paramount that web searchers be able to view your pages on portable devices. But even if you are in an area of the law like estate planning or medical malpractice, you should not risk losing a single client because of outmoded technology.
While all of the websites created and maintained by Strategic Legal Web for our clients are unique in construction and appearance, they share the same superior programming and design that allows them to operate across all internet media. To learn how to reach more clients in a fast-paced, on the go market, contact us at 800.508.4489 for an initial consultation.